Friday, January 18, 2008

I'm Too Young To Worry

starbucks, kills your throat (just like how the following post will kill your braincells)

This Tragic Affair

After all those things that I've heard about my band, it makes me more eager to perform on the 15th feb. I mean like come on, if you don't like our band, why not email one of us or just talk to us in person and tell us why so. Talking behind our back (thinking that we're oblivious about it) won't do anything good right?

It's going to be my first time performing in front of vistarians and after all those things that i've heard, i really really can't wait to perform our set. I hope i don't screw up and tarnish TTA's reputation. If i fail to live up to their expectations, l.g fuad! hahaha ok kidding! I mean, if we still fail to live up to their expectations, we shall move on from there and learn where we've gone wrong, and work on it.

or maybe it's just because of biasness and jealousy, haha who knows. School politics.

Ok about our demo/recording, I'm sorry if I've not been contributing or doing my part. Writer's block babe, hahaha excuses! I'm happy to see that every member is eager to move on and go on to the next level man. I'm sorry, i think i'm the worse frontman ever. heh. I'll do my best to do my part in the band. Thanks to Syafiq man, who've been working very hard to bring us up to a whole new level!

Slow and steady, :-)

The Morning After

Okay so now about The Morning After, haha. Wazzap! When's the next session? everyone seems to be busy :-/ we havent had one proper session after prom. But it's okay i guess. I think it's the period of time where everyone's busy settling down and doing their stuffs. I'm sure one day we'll be able to work together and move on too!

Haha i may be kinda busy with This Tragic Affair, i promise (cross my heart, hope to die poke a needle in my eye) i won't neglect my reponsibility in TMA. All of us are kinda new, so let's progress slowly. I'm really keen to see how far we can go together cause TMA's a totally different kind of band, genre wise and just the band itself. I'll do my best to bring us up to a new level too. Ooh Ass rough, guitarpro tabs dude! see you guys this saturday at Ngee Ann poly, after NP we go lepak talk cock continue the 'shadow of the day' saga without hurting anyone's feelings like what we did last week. hahah cheer up emo_kid11!1!

Hey, we even have one groupie who's willing to give free tits flash man, Khairul Anwar hahahha ok gross kidding la.

hell yeh, let's work together dude(s)! friends forever la. hahhaa so cliché.

till next time :-)


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