E Maths paper one today.
easy hahahah. okay chemistry
and e maths paper 2 tmr. im
just gonna read thru a bit for chem
cos i know im gonna fail afterall
and im gonna spend some time on
e maths cos i just suck at shear/stretch
and vectors.
ahhhh A Maths extra class tmr.
heard that only ten passed paper one.
hahaha imagine only ten person
in A maths class after mid years.
i bet Mdm P's gonna have a
great time teaching them.
woohoo Manchester United
champions of 06/07 man!
screw you chelsea and ARSEnal
and liverpool. screw all of you.
i hope AC Milan trash Liverpool
during the Champions League final.
hoho im actually sick, but i know
i dont look or sound sick at all
hahahah okay whatever.
cant wait for wednesday.
gonna take a few days rest
and then prepare for
MT O lvls which is on 28May
/: die la die.
i wanna get a HOLGAAAAA
but no money. damn.
k bye.