I've been busy. With a couple of things. Prelims was like a slap in the face, a wake up call. I've never felt more disappointed. I'm glad that I actually have great friends :-)
First and foremost thanks alot to Cedric dude. To be honest, i've never expected him to actually approach me to console me. And he was actually the first person who approach me. I was very um, touched. haha! Thanks alot man for caring and worrying about me. Yeh sure i'll study hard for Os. You study hard too, I dont want to see you in ITE also. Not that ITE is a very bad place but I'm sure that's not the place you want to study in, right? thanks alot friend, i appreciate you.
Thanks alot also to Rozand :-) Thanks for being there for me and cheering me up! Those text messages means alot to me, pal. I still have them in my inbox. I think it's true that I didnt put enough effort, even though I felt like i did. Yes, i shall stay strong and do my very best for the real papers alright. All the best to you too! no distractions aye :-) haha.
and Also not forgetting, my other half. That fucker number 2, Fish Xiao Min :-) Thanks for being there for me 24/7. We shall work hard together yes? Os will be over soon, one month plus to go. We shall mug like crazy fucks for only one more month and then we're free to do whatever we want :D So, dont sleep during biology, haha. Yes, i'll always be there for you too :-) thanks!
Next shall be Asyraf my study/photog/indie/everything else partner, my soul buddy. Thanks for everything dooood. Stop adding girls on myspace, ehem. hahah shit i'm dead. Yeh, thanks for giving me support. Work hard, one more month left, and then we'll go around Singapore and do whatever we plan to do. Don't worry too much about the money, haha. All the best!
and then there's Karen :-) hahaha uhm, there's just too much to say. You're lovely la. Those MMS and all, thanks :-) Ily forever la Aunty hahahhaha.
Also, thanks to Krit @ Nam, Abby, Michelle, Sanchia, Hazrul, KELANA BANANA DICKHEAD, Chong Sian, Hanafi, Stephie, Sister, Harvey, Hafiz, Wee Qian and all others whom I forgot to mention. Thanks for all the support, however small it may be, I really appreciate every single one of you. And all of you, yes ALL of you means alot to me.
Once again, thanks to everyone :-)